Check-in #19

So here we are in our new home with Check-in #19. Not Henning, Sam and I, but the Check-ins have moved to their new home in my new blog. I have been busy sorting out the whole two separate blog thing. And made some quite funny mistakes on the way. I for example flooded my contacts LinkedIn feed because I accidentally had auto-share on LinkedIn activated, when I imported the check-ins from the other blog to this one. Too funny!

It’s a little bit of work, but I think it makes a lot of sense to split the more Business oriented from the more personal blog. Both are hopefully still fun AND professional, just the themes are very different. But you be the judge – let me know what you think about it and most importantly, if you will check-out both blogs, moving forward?

How’s Sam doing? Well he had a fantastic weekend. It was mostly sunny with a nice little breeze which both pooch and hoomans enjoyed very much. It’s still super hot and so the pool remains the most popular place to be.

Sam @ check-in #19

In another news, there is still a pandemic. And Mr. DeSantis is making his buddy, our Covidiot in Chief probably very proud in leading the charts. Florida has reached exceeded 600,000 cases. That is almost 3 x as many cases as Germany. And Germany has 4 x more residents than Florida.

Well, the USA, the land of the Free. Where mandating a mask is an infringement of rights, while controlling what a woman can or can’t do with her uterus is a function of government. But that is a hot topic, I am sure. We should avoid it like the plague. That’s actually a saying that I had just learned (I am German, as a reminder) and now we have to retire it. Because it turns out humans do not do that. Avoiding the plague, I mean.

On a little bit more serious note – Mr. T. is still running his fear spreading election commercials. Sometimes I feel like I fell asleep and woke up in my history books pages of the Third Reich. If I ever wondered, what has been going on then, I definitely partly get to live through it right now. It is scary people!

If you are able to, please vote!

I truly believe, you got to be the change, you want to see in the world. We can’t vote, as I am not a US citizen (yet). But for the first time in my life, I have supported a candidates campaign with donations as I felt so helpless, I had to do something. This country needs a leader. A leader that cares for ALL people. November!

An epidemiologist, an ICU Doctor and a Scientist walk into a bar…. I am kidding, THEY know better!

Another Sunday night, getting ready for another working week. Of course in the couch office with my little work companion by my side. At least until he is done with his “work” and joins Daddy in his office to actually sleep. Sometimes he also just decides I should not be working, either. Then we just spend a little cuddle time.

Check-in 19 Sammy at home

Did it occur to you, that our situation is very much like the movie Groundhog Day? Ever wondered, how the guy managed to break the cycle and finally get to the next day? Are you sitting? Because it’s kinda hilarious: He shifted the focus from himself to devoting himself to helping others. Uh…oh, that sounds exactly like a way out of this mess, too, doesn’t it?

I am surprised I have not heard any outrage over the plentiful travel bans against US citizens yet. Because there is actually not many countries left, people from the US can travel to right now. See below.

Check-in 19 Travel Map

But why travel? You can still have so much fun here in the US with the US. Disney is for example keeping their parks open but their Corporate offices closed. That’s funny, isn’t it?

And 40 school principals had to quarantine after having been exposed to Covid-19 at a meeting to discuss the re-opening of schools…oh the irony!

But hey, Betsy Devos said, that only .02% of children are likely to die, when they go back to school. That’s ~14,000 children. Welcome back! As I said, so much fun here in the US, no need to travel, really! Covidiots everywhere.

People here are traveling anyways. They are crossing state lines – to avoid mask mandates, when grocery shopping. Now common sense would tell us, a US wide mask mandate might be a good idea. But then, common sense is nothing the Covidiot in Chief is possessing. And it’s also not super common, either.

As I said before, the most ironic thing is, that this seems to be the year of my career. Firstly, I am working with a fantastic team, secondly my team’s results are great across all my teams. And I definitely think my team’s hard work has contributed to the success of Amex in this years JD Power study.

I am enjoying my work and the challenges facing us and that is, what matters most. And as I told my team, it’s not about the #1 position. What it means, is much more important. To me, this means we have had our Card Member’s backs. That is, what really matters. It also makes me proud as a leader, as people could have taken a break and used the pandemic as an excuse. They did the opposite and stepped up their game.

Speaking of game – Sammy had such a fun playing even though he is still a little bit scared? About what? Good question. Check-out his first post in our new blog. Maybe you can help him figure it out.

But now he is a little sleepy and Daddy and I will join him soon to get ready for another busy week. Mostly because I have to squeeze all the work into 3 working days as I am off Thursday and Friday to celebrate our 21st anniversary. I am sure Sammy will report about his week soon again, stay tuned!

This is my check-in #19 and my first check-in directly written on my new blog. I hope you enjoy it but most importantly if not, let me know!

Keep your distance, wear your mask, stay healthy and take care!


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